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You don't have time to read. Or maybe reading makes you sleepy. You get more out of listening to books. Great! You can listen and do other things. You can drive and listen, you can walk the dog and listen, you can clean the kitchen and listen and you can fold laundry and listen. I used to listen Monday - Thursday and listen to music on Friday. Do you really need to hear that talk show? Do you really need to hear the morning DJs yammer on about some celebrity gossip? NO! You can dedicate time to YOU. 


Brendon Burchard

Lewis Howes The School of Greatness

Gabrielle Bernstein 

Giant list of other podcasts

Audio books: 

Most books are narrated so you may listen to them instead of read. Use your net time wisely. 


Do you have a favorite podcast? Send me an email and I'll add it to the page to help others. 

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